Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank You Chris, Neil, Ana-Maria and Jill! YTB.

Have you ever felt like you were having an "affair" when you were blogging?  Like you have to sneak down before everyone in your family wakes up or stay up late at night and quickly check others posts or write a quick post yourself because the minute they wake up they get really annoyed with you if you are on the computer.  I love blogging and reading others blogs but it can be addicting and sometimes sucks me in.
(I don't know if that even made any sense)

Moving on
There are several people I want to Thank so I'll just get to it

Remember that Poster Contest Chris K and Barefoot Neil had awhile back?  Well I won!  Neiner Neiner!  It took me a while to choose what photo I wanted because we all know Neil has some AMAZING photos but I finally settled on this one.
I loved this picture because it reminds me of where I grew up.  In front of my house there was a huge field where all the neighborhood kids played all day every day.  When I saw this on Neil's blog that is what it reminded me of.  So call me a sentimental sap if you must but I love it.  Thank You.  And thank you to Chris K for putting it on canvas and mailing out to me.  Soon it will be in a frame and up on the wall.

Bloggy Secret Santa

The other day I received this in the mail and it was very exciting!
My secret Santa was Ana-Maria over at RunningLiving so Thank you, Thank you for the CD.  It's actually perfect for me because I'm terrible at updating my Ipod and I do a lot of treadmill running at home when the kids are doing other things and I need to be able to hear them so I can put this on in the background and still enjoy some tunes and hear the littles running around.  

Speaking of littles I can hear them starting to stir to get out of bed.....crap, I better hurry.  One last Thank you to Jill for putting this whole gift exchange together.  It was super fun.

Happy Running and Happy Holidays,
Adrienne -NRR

**Just checked my email and look what I found!!!!  
"Thanks for shopping at
Your order 
#14D85SH has been shipped and should arrive by Jan 04, 2011." 

January 4th!!!  WTH!!  Crappers.  I am the worst Bloggy Secret Santa ever.  I think I might need to break Jill's rule and send my blogger buddy and email to let them know I haven't forgot about you it is just going to take way longer to ship than I thought.  So if your the only one out there that hasn't gotten a gift yet, so sorry.

**Okay, email sent with my head hung in shame.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A run like Jamoosh! Finally!

I'm guessing many of you follow Jamoosh over at the The Last Mile Lounge and it seems that all of his latest posts have been about how wonderful his runs have been.

 To quote:
 "I was a well-oiled machine, moving easily and fluidly and may as well been at the altar of the Running Gods (apparently small animal sacrifices are paying off)." 

He has a way with words that Jamoosh and I've been wanting a run like this and haven't seen one of these runs for several weeks/months.  Until today.

The schedule said it was to be a 4 mile tempo run at 10 min. per mile pace.  I realize this is a warm up for a lot of folks out there but I know my limits.  My life allows me to run 3 times a week and my race that I'm training for is "just" a half marathon but I'm okay with that.  I really am.  I'm not going to let my ego talk me into doing something that really is out of reach right now and then end up maxed out at all ends and forgetting why I run in the first place.  This will be my 1st official half marathon as opposed to my unofficial half marathon and after today I'm excited.

I borrowed my husbands Garmin again and realized I'm starting to like these things.  I'm realizing  that I really need to listen to Coach Dean's advice and stop mixing up my expectations with my goals because I AM reaching my goals and yet even then will somehow tell myself "it's not good enough" because somehow my expectation wasn't met. 

Goals can be measured and expectations usually cannot.  
Example of Expectation:  "I want to have a good run" ---How do you measure this?
Example of a Goal:  "I want to run 4 miles and maintain a 10 minute per mile pace or faster"--Easily measured.

It's obvious this is a lesson I learn and relearn over and over, and over and over.
Run ended with a 39:27 for a 9:52 pace.  Which is my fastest 4 miler in a while.  Yay me.
Do you confuse your expectations with your goals?  Something to think about.
Happy Running 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Just Kickin' it"

Next time the Non Race Runner decides to train for her yearly race and schedules it to happen right after the holiday season feel free to kick her in the head.

Apparently that was not the best idea I've ever had.  Training has been going well.......mmmmmm.......errrrrr.   I have been running, yes but it's been pathetic.  The plan has gone from setting a PR, to enjoying the race, to just getting through.  Okay, I'm not quite to the just getting through phase but I feel it lurking around every corner.   I've hardly had time to make any witty comments on others blogs let alone captivate you all with my own bullcrap intuitive blog posts.  Please forgive me.  If I don't blog again until after Santa arrives I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

I leave you with a recent running experience.  I was in San Diego last week for a few days (no I didn't meet up with BQ or Die because he ditched me for his "training" schedule because he is so hardcore or some other bogus reason) but I did have a chance to go for a run on my own.  I started off on the hotel treadmill and after a mile and a half it dawned on me that I was in the city without my children on my hip/leg/lap/arm and I could run outside!! Who would have thought?!  So I exited the building and introduced myself to the great outdoors of running once again.  I had a lovely 6 mile run along the harbor and saw the sights of San Diego.
Well I saw two sights of San Diego.  The Harbor and the USS Midway. The other day I was in town I spent the entire day in bed, ordering room service and reading a book.  It was awesome. 

Here are some songs my kids have been singing. They thought these were the actual words. I don't know why I think it's so funny.

Eminem by Reece (4 years old) 

   "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, to take the stairs, everybody, come take my hand"

Silent night rendition by Landon (10 Years old)

 "Silent night, Holy night, all is calm all is right, Round young imbecile tender and mild" 

Hope you are all enjoying this time of year with your family and loved ones.
 Once again Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are you a glass half full or half empty person?

I've been busy catching up our life on my Family Blog and have been neglecting my running blog (not my running) so when I came across this little gem I thought I would share with you.  It's not really appropriate for the family blog with the grandma and grandpa viewers.
Blogging 101: You have to know your audience.  Enjoy.

Happy Running,

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Weather is a funny thing.  Funny that people like to talk about it a lot.  I've noticed that people in Arizona like to talk about the weather even more than the Average Joe.   Usually we talk about how hot it is.  I had a change in weather this last week as I was in Utah for Thanksgiving Day Week.  It was cold.....brrrrrr.
Snow you ask? Some.
Cold?--- plenty cold!
Mount Timpanogos.  I grew up at the base of this mountain range.  Right outside my parents front door.
 I thought I would share some of my cold weather clothing attire with you in case you wonder how to stay warm while running.

 Smart Wool Running socks that keep your toes cozy warm
Basic running gloves with reflective designs in case you run into that winter darkness
 Pearl Izumi Beanie
 Marmot skiing shirt that covers your hands and has a thumb hole, great for skiing and running.
 Lightweight Pearl Izumi reflective running jacket
 Reflective Running Tights
 It was so cold I even put this coat on top of the other jacket and shirt.
Here is everything I wore to stay warm while running in Utah
So I put on all my winter running stuff.

Went outside.

Got in my car and drove my A** to the gym where I ran my morning run on the treadmill.
 I barely survived.

The 24 Hour Fitness I went to did NOT have a escalator?!  Hello people--Are we missing the point here?
Props to all you cold weather dwellers who deal with this all winter.
You must be way tougher than me to run in this cold weather everyday.

I did see one braindead die hard chick outside running in shorts, a shirt and gloves.  She is definitely dumber tougher than me.  It was 10 F degrees out.  Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Happy Running,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

London's Race

Last week was a tough week for me.  It is every year.  Every year I try to pump myself up and say "Be strong, Be strong, she is fine, your fine" and every year it comes and knocks me straight on my REAR END (insert big sigh here).  Life can be that way.  I feel better now  :)  Thanks for listening and your kind words

Cool Quote #1  

"Stand up and Finish what you started" 
-Bob, The Biggest Loser

For my lady readers--you are welcome.
Whenever life knocks us on our rear we must get up and keep going, the race isn't over.  

Speaking of races, some of you have asked what race The Non Race Runner is training for in January.  It wasn't by accident I haven't mentioned the name of the race so my apologies if you think I wasn't answering your questions.  I was just ignoring you (with love).  A race really has to speak to me in order for me to sign up for it.  This one spoke, especially at this time of year it spoke, right to me.  

Cool Quote #2

"You'll never win any races looking in the rear view mirror"

Somehow I came across this race and it was perfect.  London's story touched me.  She was six years old when she was diagnosed with Cancer.  I hate cancer.  Cancer sucks.  Cancer can kiss my grits.  So many I love have been taken by cancer.  Others I love have kicked cancers butt.  So although I think there is a marathon race in the city right next to mine the same day as this race I'm going to drive an hour and a half to some small town, on some small farm, where I think this year they are actually getting all "official" and will have actual timing chips--I guess I better figure out what I'm suppose to do with those--on the shoe right? (j/k)  This sounds like my kind of race.  London lost her fight with cancer and this race is in her honor.  All proceeds go to help families that have children with cancer in this small community.  Yay for small communities, you are what make the world go round.  So there you have it!  The NRR 1st official race of 2011!  

I leave you with,
Cool quote #3:

"Life's journey is not to arrive safely at the grave in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways totally worn-out shouting Woohoo! What a ride!"

So get to the living people!

Happy Running,

Friday, November 12, 2010


I have been wanting to say something.  Express how I feel.  Talk about it but I don't have any words.  I can't seem to find any words that seem to be able to show how I feel.  All the words that I have don't do it any justice.  They are so inadequate. I have looked and looked and looked.  Why doesn't anyone give me the words I need?  Love.  LOVE is definitely the right word but there are more.  What are they? Do YOU know? Why hasn't anyone else figured out how to fix this problem. It's not like I'm not happy, I am very Happy.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, on and on and on.  1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 6th, 6th, 6th.......All week I've been trying.  I don't say any words to anybody because what if they don't get it?  How can they get it?  They don't even Know. What if I say the wrong words And then they saY more wrong words back to me and then...then...then... It has gotten better, definitely better.  Last year it didn't sEEm this hard.  Am I getting weaker?  I'm suppose to be getting stronger not weaker.  I've been in bed.  In and out. In and out. Get out of bed, just get up!   LJ, DJ, KJ, RJ, SJ.....Definitely love you.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt! No doubt there. Love, yes LOVE is a good word.  I'M all out of wOrds, I can't think of any More, it is all I have, I hope it is enough.

Some Words

More Words

Thursday, November 4, 2010

But it doesn't matter technique.....

Today I had to reach clear back into my bag of tricks and pull out a technique that I haven't had to use in quite a while.  It's called the "But it doesn't matter technique".  If you are having a tough run you just add this phrase onto the end of each thought.  I had seven miles of this phrase today.  It went a little something like this.

Starting off at mile 1 and continuing to mile 7 my thoughts sounded like this in my head:

"Oh my gosh, I wonder if picking up each leg with your hands and setting it down then picking up your other leg is a running form I'm not familiar with, --but it doesn't matter"

"Wow, I am really tired, I need more sleep--but it doesn't matter"

"I can't believe the scale said I gained 3 lbs today!!??  Why do I even try?--but it doesn't matter"

"Scout pack meeting tonight and football practices at same time, how is that going to work?--but it doesn't matter"

"7 more days, 7 more days, can't breathe, can't breathe--but it doesn't matter"

"Travis (husband) been out of town and I NEED Travis --but it doesn't matter"

"Sharing time for November, primary callings, leadership meetings, division championship football game for son#1 at same time as Bowl football game for son #2 and soccer game for son #3,  etc. etc.---but it doesn't matter"

So you see the whole purpose of the technique is whatever is on you mind or rather keeping you from running you say this little phrase and suddenly you don't have any excuses.  It's raining, it's cold, it's hot, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm busy, ---but it doesn't matter.

What is more important "Attitude" or "Behavior"?  Some will say attitude.  If you have a bad attitude then how can you accomplish things?  I say behavior is more important.  You can't really see somebody's "attitude" but you can see their behavior.  "Research shows that as a rule attitudes are justifiers of behavior rather than causes of it.  That is most of the time we develop attitudes in order to explain our behavior to ourselves and/or others."*

Did I have a great attitude today for my 7 mile run? Umm, not really. What was my behavior? I ran 7 miles.  My behavior taught me "I will get it done no matter what" thus shaping my attitude that I can perform even under not so great circumstances.

I leave you with this little gem,

It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Today I chose to run.
Happy Running,

*Taken from David A. Whitsett, Forrest A. Dolgener and Tanjala Mabon Kole.

Who needs Europe?

Yesterday Landon was working on a history assignment and had to make a world map.  He was suppose to burn the edges of the map to make it look old.  Well.....
I TRIED not to laugh but....ended up laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.
BEST part was his response:
"Well, only half of Europe is gone and some of the Atlantic Ocean, my teacher will never notice"  
He turned it in just like this.  What teacher recommends a 10 year old burn something?

Good times.

I'm on my way out the door for a 7 miler.  Legs are STILL killing from the lunges on Monday, CURSE YOU LUNGES CURSE YOU!

Happy Running!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Food, Glorious Food!

Okay okay, I know it is Monday almost Tuesday and you are all expecting the Halloween post but seriously I CANNOT KEEP UP WITH YOU PEOPLE!!  How do you all blog so fast! So while everyone is moving on to November Fall pre Thanksgiving posts you should expect my Halloween post sometime later in the week, "Day late, dollar short" that's how I roll.  Plus as THE Q commented on one of my previous posts that I have these
Yes I am a cheeseball in 95% of photos taken of me :)
which slows the typing down a tad but it's just one of the prices you have to pay to be a REAL HOUSEWIFE OF MARICOPA COUNTY

And if you like those check out these:

I know it's hard to see in this picture but for Halloween, I asked for a white scary spider with red eyes in a web and ended up with a white snowman with red eyes.  It's hard to find good help these days, she was a cute girl and I'm not one to make a fuss so...whatevs.  

On to today's blogging:

"Food fun" ---Tagged by the horse whisperer EMZ, woot, woot, have you seen her buckle?

1. If you could eat anything without any health repercussions or guilt, what would your meal be?

So are you saying I shouldn't eat the fried butter?  I actually eat pretty much what I want.  I'm more of a "moderation in all things" type of girl. If you want some cheesecake eat some, just not the whole cake, at the same time, seven days in a row. At least not again.

2. If you could meet anyone living or dead who would it be and why?

Dead: I can't tell you my REAL answer because that would reveal too much so I'll say Jesus for obvious reasons, you know we could walk on water together, raise the dead, heal the sick, water to wine--good times.

Alive: Cain because that would be trippy, (but I would want Jesus there with me).

3. Why did you start blogging and what did you expect when you started?

Yes, meet my sister Tami, she is cuter and skinnier and faster than me (damn her) but would probably kill over if she had to run a mile at this point in her life.  She gets my kids if I die so she prays for my health :) Love U!
My little sister came to visit me one day and next thing I knew I was signed up on Facebook and had a Family blog so I suppose it was to keep in touch with family better.  (I don't live by any family and haven't since high school)  The running blog came when I decided I had to "edit" (so as not to offend--who me?) a lot more than I wanted to on the Family blog and had to represent so many people (all six of us). Running blog is just for me.  Nobody that I actually associate on a day to day basis knows about my running blog (at least I haven't told them about it) or my family blog.  Mainly people far away, other states/countries know about my blogs.  It works I guess.  

4. What is the one book you could read over and over again?

I don't really read books over and over other than children's books to my kids. (Okay I've read the Twilight series three times but that was just a phase).  I like to read non fiction books about other cultures.  I HATE self help books or books about things I'm already doing (raising kids, stay at home mom etc.) because I'm already doing that so why would I want to read about it.  I'd rather learn about something I don't know. 

5. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

I use to work for Delta airlines while I was in college and could fly anywhere for free but I seem to be a creature of habit/traditions.  I tend to want to do the same trips over and over.  Disney, Hawaii, San Diego, Utah etc.  Not much of a World traveler but I should work on that.  Maybe Switzerland to ski, that sounds fun or maybe even Canada?  Thanks to Neil Z and his amazing photos it has peaked my interest in that country.  Plus some of my favorite bloggers are from there like  Andrew who graduated with "distinction", trophy husband Q, photographer and Barefooter Neil Z and Chris who runs ultras like they are 5k's.  Plus I really like the way Canadians say the word "no"  I could listen to that ALL day.

6. If you could have a TV show on the Food Network, what would it be?

What can I make for you tonight Mrs. Jensen?
It would be called "Who is making me Dinner Tonight!"  Then different chefs, Bobby Flay, The Neeley's, Rachael Ray etc. would all take turns making me dinner every night and it would be a surprise to me who it was!  Sounds good to me.

7. What was the best meal you ever had?

At home: Anything that anyone else cooks is a good meal.

Restaurant:  Favorite restaurant is at The Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City Utah, it's called Glitretind.  Seriously, best food, service, views... it's AWESOME!

8. Who has been the greatest influence on your love for food and learning to cook?

I suppose my mom taught me how to cook.  It seems I've always known how.  I'd say I'm sort of a lazy cook though.  If the recipe takes longer than 30 minutes it's not going to be made very often.  I guess there is a time and season for everything in life.  I'm in the season of quick and easy meals.  

Hmmmmmm, who to tag...

Jamoosh--I'm curious what he eats with all that beer.
Chris K--What does a BQ or die person eat??
The MisAdventures of a jogging stroller mom--this mamma makes me look like a wimp, she rocks.

P.S.  Today was "official Day 1" of training for my January Race, 11 weeks 6 days to go!

Happy Running peeps,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm a winner! Well, we shall see.....

Good News!  I filled out this form yesterday and I got ALL the answers Right!
So all my American friends make sure you fill out your forms or head to the polls this Tuesday but only if you have the Right answers like me.  (If not don't worry about it, just head back to bed, off to work, go for a run, turn on Jersey Shore, get a massage-you deserve it, no big deal--wink wink) Not sure if you have the Right answers?  Feel free to email me and I'll let you know all the Right answers.  Always happy to help!  

10 points for anyone who finds the subliminal message.  

PC (politically correct) disclosure statement:  I promise I will not talk about politics on this blog ever, ever again because it is taboo much like, religion, abortion, sexual orientation etc. (unless I feel like it) Promise !  :)  
God bless the USA!
(Eat my shorts Canada!
 j/k--love you guys, really do! Still friends?!)  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inspiration--Better Late than Never

I follow several blogs but usually find a couple every now and then that I begin following.  Well thanks to "Q"'s post on his blog about Patrick's list of inspirational quotes I checked out Patrick's blog and liked a lot of the quotes that everyone had put on there.  Don't you love the WWW? Patrick you can thank Q later.  

However I think my quote is still the best (neiner neiner).  

Different things speak to different people at different times in their lives.  

This little piece of inspiration still speaks to me so since I hate being left out of the party I thought I'd share.

Here is the quote in it's entirety.  I've bolded the good part and bolded and underlined the best part.  

"Training for and running a marathon is not a single event; rather, it is an experience.  It is a discovery of self that will forever change your perceptions, perspectives, priorities, and possibilities. 

 You will meet yourself at what you thought were the boundaries of your potential and endurance and watch in awe as they evaporate to reveal only open expanse. 

To know that the only boundaries in life are those which we create ourselves is a discovery which can not be taught--it must be experienced. For once you have seen the view from the mountain top, living a life of voluntary blindness is no longer an option."

--David A. Whitsett (The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer)

You all inspire me and I enjoy reading your own blogs all about your trials and triumphs.  YTB Thanks for reading.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Xtraining/Brick workout

Friday night after my 7 mile morning run I still had a little juice in  me so decided to try my first brick workout.  I recruited some additional bikers to come along.
Dayton is more of an extreme biker rather than a road racer but consented to join us.
Reece man has only been sporting the two wheeled bike for a few weeks/month now but was all in.
Sadie opted for the red mini to match her bike
Dad has the backpack for all biking essentials, you know-diapers, wipes etc.
After mom came on the scene Sadie decided to be her wing man and buckled up in the carrier, leaving her bike at home.
After three miles we stopped at the first aid station.
"Hey! This swing is broken!"
"Oh there we go!"
Dayton went for an arm workout with the monkey bar crossing.
Reece jumped on that bandwagon

Sadie is not one to be left out of anything and got a couple rings done before dad made it over to assist (crazy girl)
Landon, 10 Year old.  Continued to ride pretending not to know any of us.
Eventually Landon and Dad discussing a possible throwdown competition.
Monkey bars are for 8, 4 and 2 year olds.  How about a pull up contest.
Landon =3 pull ups
Dad = 25 pull ups
(It's good to beat your kids mercilessly every now and then to help keep them in check)
Landon moved on to the weaker parental guardian in a swinging contest but mom is one heck of a swinger! Wait!?  That sounded wrong.
We continued on with the ride and only had to stop at the port a pot random wall a couple times.
Don't worry, at least it was right by a very busy intersection private.  
Even though it wasn't an official race there was a refueling station at the turn around point complete with bike parking.

The carb loading helped us make the trip back!
(notice the 10 year old at the end of the table still pretending not to know us--poor kid)
This is a picture of the moon (and a street light) so you can see how dark it was when we returned home.
Overall I think I like "brick" workouts and might have to add them to the schedule but only if I get to go with the same training team because they are the best!

*It was about a 6 mile bike ride and Reece mentioned his legs were getting tired and dad said we are almost home.  His reply "I don't care if my legs are tired, I could do this for 20 hours!"  He is the man, and loved the ride. Love that kid.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Give me money!

Beth over at ShutupandRun is having another giveaway.  The girl is a giver I tell you!  Here is the deal.  Check it out.  My fitness goal right now has to do with a time goal for a race I signed up for.  I can't tell you what race it is because I like keeping secrets.  The husband doesn't even know.  I'll give you a hint though, it's longer than a 10k but  doesn't involve horses and it's in January, can you guess what race it is?  You never will.  If I win this $100 from Subway I'll use the $$ to help pay Coach Dean for a training plan.  It I don't win, I'm on my own with the training plan.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to win this one!

P.S.  Get better Beth!

Thank you Subway!  I love your turkey and avocado sandwiches.....good stuff!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dear Neil, Still Friends? Or Total LOSER prize!?

Dear NEIL,
Happy Birthday Man!  I hope it's the greatest. Now I must confess to you.

For some reason. ( I believe it's EMZ and Adams fault actually)  When you kicked off your Virtual Race I decided to sign up for the 100K.  I didn't even know how far that actually was in miles (I had to google it) but I felt pressured because EMZ commented that she was going to run 100 miles then Adam commented that he was going to run 100K and so I totally succumbed to PEER PRESSURE and said I was going to run a 100K too.  Next thing you know I'll be jumping off the nearest cliff. I mean I've gone through over 100 hours of child labor I can certainly run that many k's can't I?  Anyway.  You were born too soon in October.  If you would have waited closer to Halloween time to come enter the world then I maybe could have gotten it all done but alas October 10th is tomorrow and the husband and I are heading out for a run to the movies.  It happens to the best of us.  If it makes you feel any better we (meaning my 10 year old and his team) just won the last football game of the season today AND they totally kicked everyone's butt (State champs!) so we get to head off to California to show them who is boss down there and then hopefully on to Florida to do likewise!  I guess the 8+ hours we (the family) spend every Saturday and 6+ hours they spend every week in practice has paid off! (Well, not so much for my 8 year olds team, there season is over, or my running career but anyway)
Landon plays receiver and corner back!  Not one of his prettiest catches but he caught it!
 So what I'm trying to say is even though I didn't get all my k's in all is not lost.  Don't cry for me Argentina!

Here is the breakdown of my efforts:
48 Miles of running
20 Miles of biking (was that an option?)
7 stomach wrenching pain inducing core workouts that made me fall off bench in the gym (oh wait that was just one of them)
12+ loads of laundry this last week and I cooked dinner 4 nights in a row (like real dinners, not just mac and cheese)  I'm pretty sure this was in the race rules.

Well, I'm off to watch a movie about the social network instead of participating in one for a bit. We shall see how it compares!

Signing off,
Happy Running,
Adrienne the
NRR and apparently the NonVirtualRaceRunner as well!